Leicester Partnership School Governance


The Leicester Partnership School [LPS] is governed by a Management Committee [The equivalent of The Governing Body in a mainstream school].  The Management Committee is responsible for overseeing the management and strategic development of the LPS but delegates much of this responsibility to the Head Teacher.  The Management Committee have specific responsibilities in the following key areas:


  • Staffing
  • Finance & Resources
  • Child protection & Safeguarding
  • Pupil Premium Students


The Management Committee ensures that the LPS is run effectively and in accordance with the statutory guidance published by the DFE. The Management Committee fulfills its responsibilities through a range of processes and procedures, including:


  • Termly Management Committee meetings
  • Sub- committee meetings
  • School visits & audits


The current Management Committee is composed as follows:


  • Christopher Bruce [Chair & Community Member]
  • Anna White [Community Member]
  • Shaun Whittingham [Head Teacher]
  • Sophie Maltby [Authority Member]
  • VACANCY [Parent Member]
  • Rhian Richardson [Community Member]
  • Richard Hall [Community Member]


The Management Committee is often assisted in its duties by Mark Cordell who is the School’s Raising Achievement Advisor and by the Management Committee’s Clerk, Dr. Robyn Cooper.


The current Management Committee have a broad range of skills and experience, particularly in the field of education.  Anna White is the Director of the Secondary Education Improvement Partnership and Christopher Bruce is the Executive Head Teacher of two of the City’s special schools. Richard Hall is Professor of Education and Technology at De Montfort University, and a Visiting Professor at the University of South Wales. A UK National Teaching Fellow, Richard is a member of the Management Committee of the Leicester Primary Pupil Referral Unit, and an Independent Visitor for a looked-after child. Sophie Maltby is one of the Local Authority's Principal Education Officers. Rhian Richardson is the Head Teacher of Westgate Special School.  All members bring skills and experiences that stretch beyond the boundaries of their specific employment.   The Management Committee utilises these stills effectively to support and challenge the LPS’s Head Teacher and to ensure that the LPS’s resource are deployed effectively.


There is currently a vacancy for a Parent Member on our Committee.


The LPS is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion within our management committee.


For further information on our Managements Committee membership please see below …. 




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